ACISC™ --------------------------


Is your school committed to the development of your students as global citizens?

To qualify for membership, your school must demonstrate its commitment:
  • to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to pursue their lives as global citizens; and
  • to provide high quality international education.
To become a ACISC™ member, your school must:
  • meet ACISC™ Core Membership Criteria;
  • live by the ACISC™ Code of Ethics;
  • be fully accredited by a recognised national agency; or commit to begin the ACISC™ International Accreditation process within two years of membership approval.

Additionally, your school must:

  • be operational at the time of application;
  • provide a sequential course of study leading to full primary/elementary and/or secondary education;
  • apply as a whole school (not a section of the school such as the International Section or only the primary or secondary school);
The school membership application process:
Step 1Submit basic information about your school.
Step 2Submit documentation to demonstrate that your school follows the ACISC™ Code of Ethics and provides an international education programme.
Step 3Self-Evaluation – Evaluate the alignment of your school’s policies and practices with the ACISC™ core membership standards.
Step 4ACISC™ Evaluation – ACISC™ reviews your documentation and its alignment with our core membership standards. If aligned,
Step 5ACISC™ Visit – ACISC™ professional staff visit your school to verify that your practices align with our core membership standards.








Importance of Accreditation

One of the first steps any prospective student should take before enrolling in a college or university, is to verify whether or not the school is accredited by a recognized accrediting agency. ACISC™ is a national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.

What do you want to learn more about?

The robust relationships between our member universities and member schools are a key element in our mission to shape the future of international education.

ACISC™ is a membership community working collaboratively to shape international education through professional services to schools, higher education institutions, and individuals. Global citizenship is the centre of everything we do at ACISC™  to support our members.

Helpful Resources
