ACISC™ --------------------------


We offer a unique opportunity to facilitate links between guidance/university counsellors and international university admissions professionals who help support students in the transition from school to university. We work together with our members to support the best possible outcome for students interested in international higher education opportunities.

The ACISC™ University Connection Registry is a free resource where your students have the opportunity to connect with ACISC™ member universities and colleges worldwide. Students provide their information and contact details, as well as academic interests and possibly study destinations. After their information is added to the registry, it will be provided to more than 600 fully accredited ACISC™ higher education institutions in 38 countries. These are fully accredited universities and colleges actively seeking students with an international outlook.

ACISC™ member colleges and universities recognize the unique intercultural competencies, skills and experiences of your students as well as the rigorous academic preparation and quality international education they have received. ACISC™ member universities use the ACISC™ University Connection Registry in their admissions outreach to connect with students all over the world who have expressed interest in studying a programme they offer or studying in their region. All participating universities/colleges sign a statement that they will use contact details only to send their own information/materials. Students from all schools are eligible to participate and there is no cost to the school or your students for using the ACISC™ University Connection Registry.

To take advantage of this service:







Importance of Accreditation

One of the first steps any prospective student should take before enrolling in a college or university, is to verify whether or not the school is accredited by a recognized accrediting agency. ACISC™ is a national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.

What do you want to learn more about?

The robust relationships between our member universities and member schools are a key element in our mission to shape the future of international education.

ACISC™ is a membership community working collaboratively to shape international education through professional services to schools, higher education institutions, and individuals. Global citizenship is the centre of everything we do at ACISC™  to support our members.

Helpful Resources
