ACISC™ --------------------------


We all share responsibility for managing data, knowingly or unknowingly, personally, and professionally. In international schools, data protection and cybersecurity are increasingly important due to new legal obligations such as GDPR (Europe), LGDP (Brazil), CCPA (California), USA, Japan’s Act on Protection of Personal Information, PDPB (India) and many more. Yet schools can struggle to understand what actions are required and how to comply.

We have developed our offering to support your school with a variety of resources.

Expert guidance

In partnership with 9ine, we address the challenges and strengthen our community’s professional expertise via workshops, articles, an assessment tool, and advice and guidance as you develop systems and policies in these critical areas of responsibility.

  • Complying with data protection principles and upholding privacy rights. Learn how schools and universities can ensure that their virtual learning platforms comply with key data protection principles set out in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other equivalent privacy laws in Asia.
  • How to keep students safe. An overview for an overview of the key safeguarding considerations to keep in mind when implementing a virtual or remote learning programme. This includes policy review, training and education and monitoring and recording procedures. Also highlights links to leading resources and guidance.


Location: Virtual

Join us to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to strengthen your data protection and safeguarding policies and procedures in line with ACISC™ International Accreditation standards.

You’ll address specific issues that have arisen due to COVID-19 and subsequent remote and blended learning environments. Experts in the fields of data protection and cybersecurity, international school accreditation, and child protection will guide you.

The workshop is tailored to the needs of international schools and is based on recent data protection and cybersecurity research.

You can expect to:

  • Participate in interactive training that allows you to share, develop and learn from current data protection challenges facing international schools
  • Learn about a school ‘self-assessment’ for alignment with data protection and cybersecurity standards
  • Receive guidance on how to evidence compliance with data protection law
  • Hear how IT systems in schools should be used to manage and record safeguarding risks to enable early identification of child protection concerns
  • Explore the connections and potential conflicts between data protection and child protection through scenario-based discussions
  • Learn about changes to data protection law and how these impact international school communities
  • Gain information on how to embed a culture of privacy, manage incidents, and protect schools from cybersecurity threats
  • Ask questions of the speakers during ‘virtual office hours’
  • Arrange an optional action planning session after the workshop to help you apply what you have learned during the workshop when you return to your school
  • Use the workshop app to connect and share learning with other participants
  • Listen to recorded sessions to help you embed your learning after the workshop or if you miss a session
  • Receive a resource pack including a template risk assessment, recorded webinars, and written guidance.

Choose between:

Strand A: Embedding a culture of privacy and managing data protection incidents
Strand B: Protecting your school from information and cybersecurity threats

My awareness about data protection in the domain of child protection has been raised. I will discuss and act upon this with relevant staff members and prioritise data protection in our development plan and training for staff.







Importance of Accreditation

One of the first steps any prospective student should take before enrolling in a college or university, is to verify whether or not the school is accredited by a recognized accrediting agency. ACISC™ is a national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.

What do you want to learn more about?

The robust relationships between our member universities and member schools are a key element in our mission to shape the future of international education.

ACISC™ is a membership community working collaboratively to shape international education through professional services to schools, higher education institutions, and individuals. Global citizenship is the centre of everything we do at ACISC™  to support our members.

Helpful Resources
