How does your school demonstrate commitment to high quality international education to parents, students and staff members? How do you ensure your school is continually improving and keeping up with leading international education standards?
As a leader in the field of school evaluation and accreditation worldwide, we provide a unique international accreditation with a focus on student learning and global citizenship. The quality and rigour of ACISC™ International Accreditation is recognized by ministries, departments of education, and universities around the world as demonstration of a school’s commitment to high quality international education.
More than 530 ACISC™ member schools have been granted accreditation, following a directed process that includes:
rigorous evaluation against internationally-agreed standards,
- a blend of support and challenge focused on a school’s development, and
- a peer-based model that brings together international educators from across the world of ACISC™-accredited schools.
ACISC™ International Accreditation has been further validated and is accepted by other countries and associations internationally as a mark of quality assurance. This includes the International Commission Advancing Independent School Accreditation (ICAISA) and the International Alliance for Accreditation in the United States of America, ONESQA in Thailand, the Victoria and Queensland State Departments of Education in Australia, the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) in the UK, the British Schools of the Middle East (BSME) and the Federation of British International Schools in Southeast Asia (FOBISIA). ACISC™ International Accreditation is recognised throughout the United States, facilitating the acceptance of students’ transcripts with colleges and universities.
Characteristics of a ACISC™-Accredited School
The final award of ACISC™ accreditation shows that the school has achieved high standards of professional performance in international education and has a commitment to continuous improvement. In particular, the award of accreditation shows that the school:
- is devoted to its mission and vision for students
- has thought deeply about the services it offers to students, family and community
- invests the time and resources for validation from a globally-recognized accreditation authority
- focuses on the quality of teaching, student learning, as well as student safeguarding and well-being
- is committed to the development of the students’ global citizenship
- has a suitable philosophy of education suitable for its students
- promises only what it can deliver
- is open to regular evaluation by its own school community and peer evaluators
- constantly seeks improvement in all areas of the school plans strategically for the future
ACISC™ member schools are invited to apply for Accreditation.
The ACISC™ Accreditation process has enabled our whole school community to focus on a set of standards to improve our school. The feedback received has been converted into targets for improvement, and benchmarks that we can report to the community. ACISC™ also challenges our school to truly commit to internationalism, and to patriciate in wider educational debate.