Do you like to experience different cultures?
Do you want an international university experience?
Do you need help finding a university that is the right fit for you?
ACISC™ can help you find your path! We have over 600 member universities in 38 countries throughout the world, including many in Asia, Australia, US, UK, and Europe who represent top-tier education institutions with an international perspective. You’ve probably heard of a few of them, and you may also discover some universities that can offer new possibilities for your future.
Here’s how
The first step is easy. Fill in our simple form that includes which regions you are interested in studying, what programmes you are interested in studying, as well as if you are interested in financial aid information. Based on the information you provide, ACISC™ member universities will contact you when they believe they can provide a good fit for what you are looking for in higher education. You don’t need to worry about spamming, ACISC™ screens all of our members to ensure that they follow good practices in communication with prospective students. They represent highly-reputable members of an active higher education community from around the world who support our mission in shaping the future of international education.
This opportunity can help you find your best fit for pursuing an international future, whether that starts across an ocean or across the street!

Your privacy is important to us. When you fill out the personal data form for the University Connection Registry, ACISC™ member universities will have access to your personal data and may contact you with regards to global study options. If you want your personal data to be removed from the University Connection Registry or to modify information that you previously submitted, please send an email to