ACISC™ --------------------------




The Council of International Schools (ACISC™) provides membership as affiliated consultants to individual professionals experienced in international education. Affiliated consultants are eligible for referral to schools and their families to provide consulting services in specific areas of expertise. In order to meet ACISC™ standards for the provision of quality services to members, affiliated consultants are required to adhere to a code of conduct.


ACISC™ Affiliated Consultants will:

  • always act in the best interests of the client;
  • strive to give impartial advice;
  • maintain the highest standards of conduct;
  • offer value for the cost of expertise provided


When undertaking an assignment, ACISC™ Affiliated Consultants will:

  • seek or accept contracts for professional services in specific areas of expertise as mutually agreed upon with ACISC™;
  • together with the contracting client (school or parents), define clearly, and confirm in writing, the terms and conditions of the assignment or service;
  • set out the scope, nature and period of the service to be provided;
  • stipulate the allocation of responsibilities;
  • establish the basis for remuneration;
  • state the ownership of the outcomes produced by the consultancy;
  • clearly establish the specific, measurable criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the consultancy;
  • identify the person(s) to whom he/she is responsible;
  • maintain regard for the interests of the client, specifically with any legal or ethical matters;
  • obtain specific permission before subcontracting work;
  • maintain strict confidentiality unless given permission;
  • take full responsibility for the quality of all work related to the consultancy;
  • discuss and agree with the client regarding any and all changes in the scope of services as specified in the contract.

During the course of an assignment, ACISC™ Affiliated Consultants will maintain professional independence by:

  • ensuring that advice and recommendations are based on impartial consideration of all pertinent facts, circumstances and opinions developed from reliable and relevant sources;
  • declaring at the outset any personal, financial or business relationship or interest which might be thought to influence judgement or objectivity;
  • having a proper regard for the professional/legal obligations of those with whom they work;
  • acknowledging the source of any published or other research material used in the course of work

ACISC™ Affiliated Consultants will:

  • inform a client of her/his affiliate membership of ACISC™ and of the existence of this Code of Conduct at the start of any assignment and supply a copy of the Code on request;
  • respond to any complaint from a client concerning compliance with this Code and cooperate with the investigation of any complaint.








Importance of Accreditation

One of the first steps any prospective student should take before enrolling in a college or university, is to verify whether or not the school is accredited by a recognized accrediting agency. ACISC™ is a national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.

What do you want to learn more about?

The robust relationships between our member universities and member schools are a key element in our mission to shape the future of international education.

ACISC™ is a membership community working collaboratively to shape international education through professional services to schools, higher education institutions, and individuals. Global citizenship is the centre of everything we do at ACISC™  to support our members.

Helpful Resources
