Initial Applicant Campus Accountability Report (CAR)
As part of the complete application for an initial grant of accreditation with ACICS, an institution must complete an Campus Accountability Report (CAR) designed solely for initial applicants. The CAR includes important data such as the overall enrollment at the institution, retention of students, and placement of completers and graduates. An initial applicant must submit the CAR based on the most recent July 1 – June 30 reporting period (for example July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012). Guidelines and institutions on the completion on the report are provided on the document and should be reviewed prior to its completion.
All data used by the initial applicant to complete the CAR must be verified with back-up documentation. ACICS has developed an Excel spreadsheet which is used by accredited institutions to provide for accurate data collection.
If you need more information on how to complete the Initial Campus Accountability Report, please contact Ms. Michelle Bonocore, Director of Institutional Compliance at