Through our work with hundreds of schools and universities around the world, ACISC™ has developed the following understanding of global citizenship.

ACISC™ members have committed to actively develop global citizenship in education through… 


research about, discussion of, and action related to issues of principle of personal, local, and global importance,


the understanding of and respect for the similarities and differences of a range of individuals and peoples,

Global Issues

the understanding of multiple perspectives of local and global events and issues,


the development of fluency in multiple languages, including mother tongues, used to communicate within and across cultures,


the development of the understandings, skills and dispositions to serve the local and global community through engagement in meaningful service learning,


the acquisition and refinement of the skills of leading and following within different cultural contexts, and

Sustainable Lifestyle

a personal commitment to a lifestyle which supports local and global sustainability displayed through example and advocacy.