ACISC™ defines standards for student achievement. These include Retention Rates, Placement Rates and Licensure Examination Pass Rates. These rates are calculated using data on retention, job placement, and licensure pass rates submitted and reviewed annually through the Campus Accountability Report (CAR). The relevant terminology is defined and the formulas are described in the Guidelines and Instructions for the CAR Quantitative Standards are applied at both the program level and the campus level, as described below.
Benchmarks are intended to encourage campuses and programs whose student achievement is below average to improve their performance and avoid falling below the Council standard. A campus/program whose rates fall below the benchmarks must develop and implement an Improvement Plan.
Council standards are intended to ensure that a substantial majority of students at ACISC™-accredited campuses are retained, pass licensure exams where applicable, and find employment related to their fields. Once determined to be out of compliance with Council expectations for student achievement, a campus must come into compliance within established time frames or its grant of accreditation may be withdrawn or a program terminated.
Student Achievement Standards
Student achievement standards outlined below apply to retention and placement rates at the campus and program levels, and licensure examination pass rates, where applicable, at the program level. Minimum standards are intended to ensure that a substantial majority of students at ACISC™-accredited campuses are retained, pass licensure examinations where applicable, and find appropriate employment.
Campus-Level Student Achievement Elements
Retention Rate
Placement Rate
Program-Level Student Achievement Elements
Retention Rate
Placement Rate
Licensure Examination Pass Rates, where applicable**
*A campus and/or program whose rates fall below the Benchmark must develop and implement an Improvement Plan.
**Licensure examination pass rates apply where a licensure is required for employment. The program is also required to meet applicable licensure agency standards if higher rates are required.
Student Achievement Review and Council Actions
The Council reviews student achievement data annually for each campus and takes appropriate action. The Council reserves the right to take immediate adverse action once a campus and/or program is found out of compliance. Please review Appendix L of the Accreditation Criteria for the specific guidelines and expectations of the Council.
Disclosing Student Achievement Information
The ACISC™ Accreditation Criteria requires accredited institutions to “routinely provide reliable information to the public on their performance, including student achievement.” To help students and the public make informed decisions about their education, the Council requires institutions to make this information easily available to the general public.